When we last left our intrepid explorer, there were bits of YAML all over the floor, but the shape of a functioning API doc could be seen emerging through the debris. Or at least I remember it that way. (Here’s the previous blog post.) With the basic Swagger functionality proven, the next step is to make it work in something like the desired real environment. It does, but getting there was a bit of a winding path through parts of webapp development I hadn’t looked at yet. That’s another long story, and I’ll get to it.
Before I do, I want to talk a little about file formats. As I make this project happen for real, I need to choose how I’m going to write the spec file that drives it. That doesn’t just affect me, but anyone who later needs to read or edit it. It’s not something to be taken lightly, and is a hotly contested topic.
Here’s a nice discussion illustrating the concerns: Tom Limoncelli on TOML vs JSON. (No, TOML isn’t named for Tom L., but he does find that point amusing. If you like servers, you should read his stuff sometime.)
The Swagger (or OpenAPI) specification says you can use either YAML or JSON. The Swagger editor works in YAML, so clearly they have an opinion. (You can import and export JSON.)
My choice is also YAML, for these reasons:
- It allows comments. You can annotate what something is, why you added it, or comment out work in progress.
- It is primarily whitespace-delimited. That makes it easier to visually scan than JSON’s braces, brackets, and quotes.
- That whitespace hierarchy, as annoying as it can be, is already familiar to Python developers. Zulip is mostly written in Python, so the developers maintaining it will already be accustomed to this.
Neither of these formats are really “human readable” if by that you mean “can be reliably maintained by average computer-using humans.” They can’t. They have strict format requirements and any deviation results in cryptic errors and non-obvious failures. I think YAML is better for humans than JSON, but even that isn’t saying much.
I started this experiment with YAML, and I see no reason to not stick with it. Despite much cursing in the process of building the file for the endpoint I was trying to model (and it isn’t even complete.) The tools are lousy. The failure modes are opaque. Some of that was my inexperience with the Swagger standard, but not all of it.
At one point I was making changes to my file in a text editor and pasting it into an empty Swagger editor window to see if it would validate. Because the errors didn’t make sense. Something, I’m still not sure what, introduced a tab character I couldn’t see. Between the four editors I had open, copying and pasting between them (one explicitly configured to not use tab characters) somehow it happened. Welcome to being a developer.
JSON, on the other hand, has so much visual clutter that I can’t read any non-trivial example without reformatting to add whitespace. Fans like that it’s more compact than YAML. (Whitespace characters are characters, tabs are forbidden, and more characters mean more bytes.) There are also more tools that work with it, because much of the web runs on data exchanged as JSON. But if I don’t have a reason to need maximum efficiency and performance, I’m going to choose the option that makes it easier on the human developer every time. (For the opposite end of this decision, see protocol buffers, a decidedly not human-readable format. It’s also not used for configuration files.)
So YAML it is. In the next post, I’ll talk about what I did with it.
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